The Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X and Laser Precision products for home use might be just what you need to permanently remove unwanted hair on your body.
Hair removal is really a tedious problem that most women face and it can be quite expensive to have it removed permanently.
Luckily, one company had the initiative to help the average woman in their pursuit of a hair-less life. Or rather with specific parts of the body!
Tria Beauty is on a mission to transform expensive professional laser treatment into something that the average consumer can afford to do on their own, in the comfort of their own home.
With products like the Laser 4X Hair Remover and Laser Precision, it’s safe to say they have invested more than a decade’s worth of hard work.
You’ll get a better understanding of the Tria Laser Hair Removers in this article and ascertain which one will suit you, if either. Skin tone and hair color, for example, are two important considerations as to whether this home laser is suitable for you or not.
Why Tria Hair Removal?
There are a number of things we like about these home laser removal products:
The fact they are from Tria Beauty should be a giveaway already. The company is known for its ability to fuse science and beauy, and most importantly, their products are FDA cleared. Approved by dermatologists and physicians – they have a whole range of lasers and light-based skincare products from antiaging to acne.
These are easy to use, hand-held devices with professional diode laser technology. They bring salon results right to your doorstep offering lasting results for all areas of the body. You can use them anywhere, in your home or traveling – laser hair removal couldn’t be any easier!
Let’s face it, laser hair removal is costly – there’s no disputing that. A point often overlooked is that with a home hair removal device, you’ll only need to spend a portion of what you would spend otherwise on removing body hair permanently
In addition, it’s easy to see how both the Tria 4X and the Tria Precision are easily affordable when you consider the advantages of using home laser devices. Bringing affordable solutions to costly cosmetic and beauty treatments right into the home was the whole purpose behind the Tria Beauty company.
Tria Beauty has been around for a long time and has sold thousands of home laser hair removers. They continually make improvements for faster, more effective results. The Tria 4X, for example, is the 4th generation model.
In clinical trials conducted, there was a 70% reduction in hair growth after only 2 treatments. As someone who hates body hair (and I appreciate not everyone does) this is exciting!
It’s important to note that treatment every two weeks is required for each target area. You’ll need to have patience! Once you see some results however, you’ll be inspired to keep going and the process will get easier and less time-consuming.
In order to treat the necessary areas once every two weeks as recommended, patience will be required. On the other hand, after continual use, you’ll be inspired to keep going when you see significant results.
Tria Beauty also offer a 60 day money-back guarantee if you are not happy with the product.
Tria Hair Removal Precision Vs 4X
If you are wondering what is the difference between the Tria Precision and the Tria 4X Models – there are a few.
Size and battery life are 2 key differences.
Your choice, however, will be determined by where you wish to have body hair removed, ie, total body or specific areas like the underarms or the face.
The Tria Laser 4X and Precision have been designed to be completely functional and efficient without compromising aesthetic appeal. Both of these devices are cordless – making it easy to maneuver it on the different areas of your body – even the hard to reach areas.
The Tria 4X was the first FDA cleared laser hair removal device for home use. It’s a bigger device than the Precision and is a more advanced model. It has won numerous awards for safe, effective home hair removal.
The Precision followed in 2014 as Tria Beauty met demands for a smaller device which would allow users easier access to unwanted facial hair as well as in the more sensitive areas of the body.
Tria Laser 4X
Tria Laser Precision
Both are FDA cleared home laser devices, using the same diode laser technology for permanent results.
Which one will suit you really depends on the areas of the body you wish to treat.

Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X – For Top to Toe Smooth Skin
The Tria Laser 4X is for those who are interested in removing hair from multiple body parts. You can use it on the face just the same as you can on the arms and legs. Facial hair that is dark or coarse will be more noticeably reduced than the finer, lighter “peach fuzz”.
It is a top-heavy, durable device and available in both a lovely fuchsia color as well as green.
When you get the product, you will appreciate that the box is quite compact – making it easy to store without taking up too much space. The box immediately provides helpful information like which skin tones or hair color it is safe to use it on. You will also see basic information about the laser technology it uses – like how it works and what to expect after using the device. Not only that, you will learn how to use it and how many times it is safe to use.
Although it’s great to have that information on the box, you absolutely must know before spending money, whether this device will suit your individual hair color and skin tone.
Who Can Use Tria Laser Hair Removal – What Hair Type – What Skin Tone
The Tria Hair Removal Laser Precision and 4X are safe and effective on most hair and skin tones. They feature the same type of laser technology so both work in the same way.
Hair Color
Tria laser works on all shades of natural brown hair from light to dark and black hair.
In contrast, it is NOT suitable for red, blonde, white or grey. The reason for this is that there isn’t enough pigment in these colors to absorb enough of the laser’s energy in order to render the hair follicle non-active.
The Tria laser works to disable the hair follicle permanently, preventing hair from growing back. Light from the laser is absorbed by the pigment in the hair. This light energy then converts to heat which damages the hair follicle. Hence future hair growth will be delayed or stop completely.

Skin Tone
The Tria 4X and Precision home devices work on skin tones ranging from fair to light brown. It should be noted that not all lasers work on all skin types. Melanin is what gives skin its color and laser is attracted to color. The darker color of hair will attract the laser keeping skin safe. As a general rule of thumb, if your hair is darker than your skin – you’re good to go. If you have any doubts at all, do not purchase this product. You can read about the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Scale here for a better understanding of how UV light affects the skin and its role in laser hair removal.
If you have dark skin, don’t despair! There are other lasers and home ipl devices available that will suit your skin but just not the Tria 4X or Tria Precision.
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Safety and Side Effects
Is Tria Laser Hair Removal Safe? – Are There Side Effects?
The most important thing when it comes to safety is that the Tria Home Hair Removers are FDA cleared.
In order to obtain this certification, they would have undergone rigorous testing since the health and safety of the public is paramount and this clearance does not come easily.
When it comes to laser, one might be nervous of burning or damaging skin. Although this may be true, you can rest assured they are safe for home use, as long as you adhere to the skin tone and hair color guidelines. Even if you don’t or you are unsure, the Tria Hair Removal Laser devices are equipped with a skin sensor located at the bottom of the unit. When activated, you simply have to place the device on your skin so it can determine if your skin tone is suitable. If not, the device will not turn on. A lock feature keeps the device locked when not in use.
Not only that, the laser is Class 1 – which means it is not harmful to your eyes. Some home laser systems come with protective goggles, but they are not necessary with the 4X or Precision. The devices are also designed in such a way that the laser only pulses when you put it against your skin.
The diode laser technology used in both the Trix 4X and the Precision is the same technology used by professionals in office or salon hair removal sessions. Tria Beauty, however, was able to use science and various advancements in technology to put this in a more compact, handheld device, packaged for home users. It has 3 times the eliminating energy than other home laser devices.
Both devices are also equipped with a cooling fan that turns on automatically to keep them from overheating. There’s no need to worry if you hear this coming on – it’s just for safety reasons and isn’t very loud.
Tria Laser Instructions – How To Use It
Before you start, it is important to cleanse your skin and shave it properly.
Towel dry and do not use on moist skin. This will make the laser treatment most effective. In case you’re wondering why it’s necessary to shave before laser, it is to prevent the laser targeting or burning hairs on the surface of the skin.
Make sure you slide the box upwards to avoid having the device roll out. Inside, you’ll see the device with the charging cable, a “Quick Start” guide, and a more comprehensive user guide/instruction manual. If you’re like me, I tend to get over-excited about new stuff and can’t wait to try it out so the quick start is usually what I reach for first. However, most importantly, I always read the full instruction booklet.
To begin using the Tria 4X, it must be charged up first which takes around 2 hours. It’s very straightforward and easy to use. I always thought laser hair removal home devices were complicated but not so. In fact, nothing could be further from this.
The laser needs to unlock before the device can work. Look at the skin sensor at the bottom of the unit. You should see the red light. Place it against the skin that you would like to treat. Once you hear a series of beeps, you’ll know it has unlocked. You can also look at the LED display. There should be no lock icon. If it is safe for your skin tone, the device will turn on. If not, you cannot use the device.
The Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X has an LED display located on the top along with the power button. Through this display, you can control the intensity level of the laser, monitor the battery, and keep track of the laser pulses through the counter. The bottom handle has a skin tone sensor. The whole device is 600g but its shape makes it easy to handle despite the weight. There is a silicone grip with a fluted flat bottom that will allow the device to stand on its own.
The Tria Hair 4X has 5 intensity levels – with 5 being the highest and 1 the lowest. Starting with the lowest intensity is advisable and keep adjusting it until you find what is comfortable for you. Just remember though, the higher the intensity, the faster the results will be.
Expect the area to be a bit red after the first time you use it. This is your skin’s natural reaction to the laser. It will subside within 24 hours. As you work on your skin repeatedly, this will lessen.
You can opt to use a gel or your preferred body oil to act as a barrier on your skin. This will not stop the laser from working on the hair follicles under your skin.
Tria Hair Removal Laser Precision – For Smaller Areas
In comparison to the 4X, the Tria Precision is a smaller, lighter device.
It has a slim, ergonomic design that enables you to use it on sensitive areas like your face, underarms, and bikini line with greater ease.
The laser technology is the same as the 4X. It’s a diode laser, the same kind used by dermatologists. Both devices are operated in pretty much the same way to remove hair.
It specifically disables the hair follicles and keeps hair from growing. The result is having the hair fall out and the follicles “zapped” and unable to grow hair. This is how laser treatment can leave the skin feeling smooth.
The Precision comes packaged in a similar way to the 4X and again takes two hours to charge. In comparison, however, it only has a 15-minute battery life. This is ample time to treat those smaller areas easily but you would not use this laser on the legs. You can, of course, use it on the legs but it is not time effective to do so. The Tria 4X is by far a more suitable option.
It has a smaller treatment window along with 3 different laser strengths. You will see the indicator as three small lights along the body of the device.
Since this is targeted for more sensitive areas, it is best to consult the user manual to determine the best strength to use. However, it is advisable to start with the lowest intensity and get a feel for what your skin can tolerate. The skin sensor will confirm the suitability of your skin for the treatment.
For More Information – CLICK HERE
What’s Not To Like
While the Tria Hair Removers are not as painful as some other hair removal techniques, it might hurt people who have really sensitive skin. There is, of course, a sensation when the hair follicle is being “zapped” and its likened to a rubber band snapping against the skin. It is advisable to use a gel or any kind of body oil (e.g. coconut oil) on the areas you want to work on to help calm and soothe the skin.
The Laser 4X, in particular, will need several charges before you can completely cover large areas (e.g legs). I’ve no doubt you will agree that this is one laborious task! Apart from that, it can be tricky remembering the exact spot where treatment previously ended.
Every charge of 2 hours will only give you 30 minutes of battery power and 15 minutes for the Precision. This is why you need to commit to using the Tria. Even though it might seem tedious, if you want great results, you really need to set the time aside.
Limited to Specific Skin and Hair Colors
Neither device is safe for use on dark skin tones due to the fact that too much absorption of the laser’s light can cause damage.
Features and Similarities of Both Devices
Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X and Tria Hair Removal Laser Precision
Final Thoughts – Does Tria Hair Removal Laser Work?
Now that we know more about the Tria Hair Removal Laser Precision and 4X, is it a yes or a no?
In terms of price, efficiency, functionality, and overall design, it is a yes! You have to make sure however that it can be used on your skin tone. It does not apply to dark skin tones and highly sensitive skin. If you are unsure about its use, it might be best to consult a dermatologist.
Save Money
On the other hand, if your skin tone is safe for the device, then these lasers are a great choice. They will save you a lot of money and will effectively remove unwanted hair from your body permanently. This is especially true if you are willing to put the required effort into it.
The process of using this laser technology may seem simple and easy and it is. Nevertheless, it will take time. You need to be patient and if you want to work on larger areas, you will need some time to complete this task. Not only that, you’ll have to come up with a way for you to remember the areas that you have already worked on.
It is best to read through the user manual thoroughly. That way, you can maximize the benefits of the Tria Hair Removal Laser 4X and Precision and get the best value for your money.
All you really need to decide now is which laser will suit you better?
It is true that the laser leaves your skin clean for longer, but I am afraid to use it in excess and on delicate areas of the body.